Planning a trip to Lommel? Good plan! Here you'll find all the practical information you need for a relaxing visit. Couldn't find something? Our counter staff will be pleased to help!

Lommel is located right on the N71 and N74 and is easily accessible by car or bus. By train is also certainly an option.


Looking for a public toilet, supermarket, bank or postcards to send home? Here are some useful addresses.


Let yourself be guided through the city center of Lommel by a guide and discover more about it. You will explore monumental buildings and atmospheric parks.


A guide takes you on a journey of discovery through the unique landscape and reveals the fascinating story of the Lommel Sahara. The origins, the digging of the Campine Canal, the afforestation of the area, sand mining, the Sahara as an important archaeological site, and more, are just a few topics that will certainly be […]
